AIPAC pressure on Bush to welcome Talabani
In the absence or elimination of any Arab role in Iraq since the occupation in 2003, despite the clarity of the agenda of the Americans and Israel's strategy of the occupation of the lands of Iraq, which represents Almnarj crucial in the formulation of a new map of the region, be entitled largest Zionist state, and leave the Arab silence allowed the lobbies Alsewenip, to achieve long-held aspirations of their ancestors, although some doubt cherished by the generations of Israel on the achievement of those ambitions, the five years of the occupation of Iraq, made the slogan "Your Land, Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile" verge of verification.
Valabut and looting keen for the occupation and the de facto Ezkon customers, while watching the Arabs to the smuggling of Iraq gradually in the Arab map.
Proceedings of the smuggling of Iraq from which Urubi no longer hidden secrets, sources have recently reported a follow-up to the Iraqi file, that the organization is Aloebak the pressure and persuaded U.S. President George W. Bush to receive Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, the Iraqi team was made up of Talabani's sons and some advisers and ministers, AIPAC has begged the Zionist Organization, in order to ensure that the meeting dealt with by the Convention to controversial between Washington and Baghdad, the future of relations between Baghdad and Tel Aviv, and the role of the Kurds in Iraq.
Moreover, the taking of Aloebak to maintain the pace of Talabani, Iraqi officials and some of them Mahsopon a year and others from the Shiite coalition, to be initiated in the preparation of a peace agreement between Iraq and Israel will be announced in due course.
On the other hand, revealed the "third force" Iraqi on the Internet, the list of names of Israeli companies and institutions active in Iraq, the various sectors of security, economic, trade and services, revealing the size of the Israeli penetration in Iraq, and indicates the extent of hegemony and domination, which transmit the status quo, which Eliminates all the "illusions" the political solution to the Muslim posed by the economy and trade, colonialism, which is true even if the Americans pulled out tomorrow, because the Zioinp sold a lot of this and that.
There is a long list of Israeli security companies are moving Tmrah in Iraq and preventing the full wrath of the law and most have nothing to do with the "maintenance of security" or the protection of public figures, but its symbols and the liquidation of the Iraqi national elites either directly or in charge of training Iraqi gangs so.
The trade Valhoudor in the field by hundreds of Israeli companies in all fields stronger than envisaged and no list of published and detailed list of those companies and their Israeli and fields of activity and intensive Altnoap.
Most companies and goods entering the Israeli market, local Iraqi, under the guise of goods and Arab companies and the U.S., Turkish and Cyprus.
Mostly occurred since the invasion of Iraq in 2003 commercial contracts with U.S. forces in Iraq, or with the government of former Iraqi Prime Minister "Iyad Allawi."
Including what happened with - a "Bechtel" led by "George Shultz," former U.S. secretary of state, or through Arab companies dealing with Israel.
The game of the employment heritage
Oversees Israeli Labor Party Chairman Binyamin Ben-Eliezer Fouad Jewish of Iraqi descent, was born in the Iraqi province of Basra, the chain management company for the transport of delegations of religious Jewish - Israel rounded up after Israel, Africa, Europe, travel with them on an Arab airline, and then to religious sites Jewish - Christian in Iraq. Such as the revered prophet of God "ever Kifl," located in the province, "Babel" archaeological sites, a Jewish missionary and complementary message after the Prophet "Musa", the shrine of the Prophet, "Yunis" in Mosul, and the cradle of Jesus, "Ibrahim" in Mosul as well.
It also serves Israel's Center for Middle East Studies, "Center for the Study of the Arab press," the headquarters of the French embassy "in Baghdad - Rusafa - Abu Nawas Street, overlooking the Tigris River," based. During the rocket attacks that targeted the French embassy building, the transfer of the headquarters of the Israeli Mossad, the research center to the side of the Green Zone, headquarters of the U.S. embassy. The center, which followed the Israeli institution called "Memory", was established five years ago and is headquartered in Washington, has branches in London, Berlin and West Jerusalem.
Israeli research center is ostensibly the follow-up to the Arab press published in the Arab world and European countries, particularly Britain, where the translation of important studies and articles in leading newspapers in these areas into Hebrew, English, German, French, Italian and distributed to participants, is also the official Israeli institutions to provide these translations, to assess the situation In the areas specifically mentioned Iraq, more than the number of participants in the research center of Israeli leaders and officials of the Iraqi participants the rest of the current number of Europeans and Arabs, it is to advise the Iraqi leaders.
Iqdraadd and participants who receive services center per day for up to 50 thousand subscribers, and the center, which operates dozens of employees in different branches is the not-for-profit, which receives financial support in the form of donations from religious Jewish organizations scattered across the world .
Israeli Mossad also rented the seventh floor in a hotel "good" located "in Baghdad - the Karkh - Karada Mary" and adjacent to the Green Zone, and turned to the semi-settlement of spying on telephone calls and talks of the deputies and Iraqi officials, and the Iraqi resistance.
In the same hotel opened the newspaper "Iduaot Aharonot", Israel in 2005 an office in Baghdad and another in the Kurdish city of Arbil.
Since the month of July 2004 has the University of Haifa qualifying courses for tour guides dozens of Israeli and Arab neighbors who accompany religious groups and the Israeli archaeological visiting Iraq on a continuous basis.
Events organized sessions on the ground in the tourism school located in Tel Aviv, which is a branch of the University of Haifa, with the participation of - ISRAELI travel company private. It also oversees the qualifying courses in question, both of the Israeli tourism guide, "Aryeh Yitzhaki, and Aharon Afroni," head of the Jewish groups that immigrated from Iraq and its members have to live in Israel in the twentieth century AD. It is estimated that for the amount of $ 850 will be possible to travel on a flight last 8 days, during which Israeli tourists to visit Baghdad, Babil, Basra, Mosul, Kurdistan .. And others.
The 10 Israeli companies operating in ridding the area of customs clearance of goods imported through the port of Haifa, which is transported by road to Iraq through the Sheikh Hussein crossing at the border of Jordan - Israel, where you receive clearance Jordanian companies responsible for transfer to Iraqi soil. The Director-General Shaul Shlomo - a "Ogesh" Israeli customs clearance and transportation of goods from Gaza through Egypt and Jordan to Iraq, the transfer of all Israeli goods sent overland to Iraq through the Jordanian drivers paid an amount of one of their number "3000" American dollars for each shipment of transportation.
Mossad activity in Iraq?
Protected Kurdish Peshmerga elements of the U.S. bases - in the Israeli city of Mosul, and trained many of those elements in the camp of the Kurdish Party, "101" U.S. Airborne, which was formerly headed by General "David Petraeus," Supreme Commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, the mission of this division is spying Syria and Turkey's neighbors Mosul, Petraeus and determination - as directed by the Pentagon - in 2005 to crawl towards the Syrian border, with a view to seizing the city of Mosul, "Qamishli," Syria's neighbors conductor, but the process Ghazlany base in Mosul that blew the same person while driving a truck loaded with explosives inside a restaurant American soldiers killed 200 U.S. troops stopped the advance of 101 Airborne Division, which the Israeli Mossad the task of gathering confidential information from inside Syrian territory.
The foundations of the Israeli Mossad Bank loan taken by the Kurdish city of Sulaimaniya of the Iraq-based Kurdistan. The task of the bank secrecy limited to the purchase of vast agricultural land and oil and housing of the cities of Mosul and the oil-rich Kirkuk.
In order to displace the original inhabitants - Arabs, Turkmen and Assyrians - with the help of Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
After the occupation of Baghdad in 2003 an Israeli army - Kurdish common to maintain the independence of the territory of Kurdistan, for the award of Israeli companies across the Kurdish leaders and officials of the governments in Baghdad and Kurdistan, concessions oil and mineral wealth in Mosul, Kirkuk and Kurdistan.
Kurdish authorities also issued guidance from Washington and Tel Aviv, which set guidelines for the establishment of Iraqi expatriates from the rest of Iraqi cities to Kurdistan, and provide him with accommodation according to the conditions, including investment, and treated like a foreigner, not Iraqi origin of the people of Iraq.
The authorities issued the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan passports by the Kurdish language, and car number plates, stamps and painted and written in the Kurdish language as recently requested the authorities of Kurdistan in Washington and Tel Aviv and the European Union issuing a special currency for the Kurds referred to as "dollar Kurdish" has been postponed to accede to the request , In order not to raise the ire of Turkey allied with Washington and Tel Aviv.
Israel has been active since the 2003 publication of "Mossad officers" to train military and Kurdish parties on the break Iraq and the Israeli Mossad since 2005 within the camps Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces, the functions of training and rehabilitation of Kurdish rebels of "Syria, Iran and Turkey."
As the Israeli Mossad to kill the assistance of the Kurdish Peshmerga and the arrest and liquidation of scientists, intellectuals and academics Iraqis, "Sunnis and Shiites, Turkmen and Christ."
In addition to the displacement of thousands of them, in order to bring Israel and her experiences on their behalf in Iraqi universities - Kurdish.
In addition to the theft of the Mossad and the Kurds and smuggling of Iraqi antiquities to museums across the Israeli airlines, "the Danish, Swedish, Austrian and Iraqi."
Israel is seeking to train Kurdish rebels, "Syria, Iran and Turkey", to promote the Kurdish military force so that the balance of Shi'ite power in Iraq, and then develop a base in Iran through which the Americans and Israel's Mossad spy on nuclear manufacturing facilities in Iran.
As the units of the "commando" training of Israeli, U.S. and Iraqi troops in the methods of liquidation of resistance activists in Iraq, at a military base, "Port Prague" in North Carolina. The advantage of experience that the Israeli Mossad in control of the guerrilla war.
Supervisors of government work!
Sources say that 185 Israelis adviser or American Jews out of supervising the headquarters of the U.S. embassy in the Green Zone on the work of Iraqi ministries and institutions - military, security and civilian, including: "David Tommy" supervises the Ministry of Finance said.
"Robert Rafael" oversees the Iraqi Ministry of Trade.
"Ecat to" oversee the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture. "Without Amistoz, David Lynch to" oversee the transport and communications. "Noah Feldman" of American Jews, "wrote the Iraqi constitution and its provisions derived from distorting the Torah. "Philip Carroll," supervised by the Iraqi Oil Ministry.
"Paula Dobriansky," Jewish Freemasonry oversees the ministries of Women's Affairs, and Iraqi human rights.
"Mark Clark," oversees the Iraqi Olympic Committee, and the Iraqi Ministry of Youth, which is the theory of sports bringing the Ministry of Defense.
"The role of Oredman" supervise the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education, which is headed - a private security company with a Jewish partners. It also oversees the departments missions, seminars and cultural diplomacy in the ministries of foreign affairs, education, higher education, six Americans, three of them advisers Jews, including Jewish-Zionist of the Czech Police in charge of direct "Prague" by secret ballot. General "Casteel - the Jews" out of an Israeli and an American to oversee Iraq's Interior Ministry.
General "Steel - the Jews" of the U.S. - Israeli oversees the Iraqi Defense Ministry.
It also finances "Efraim Halevy - Head of the Israeli National Security Council," militia "free Iraq" and supported by the management and training of the militia, "Danny Rotchel" Chief weapons research in Israeli intelligence.
Among the most prominent investors and Israeli officials on the Israeli trade relations - Iraq, "Amnon Lipkin-Shahak," former chief of staff. , Who was minister of transport in the government, "Ehud Barak."
The Israeli infrastructure minister, former "Yusuf Patrizqui" supervise the holding of the restoration and re-opening of the oil pipeline "Kirkuk - Mosul - Haifa."
The reconstruction of the Iraqi arena contracts referred to the Israeli companies through "the U.S. Agency for International Development - AID US" responsible for the distribution of Iraq reconstruction contracts.
And supervised - Israeli company information "D & B" on the organization of investment contracts and reconstruction allocated by the U.S. Agency for International Development to Israeli companies.
The - Israeli company information to prepare data and estimates of the economic situation in Iraq.
Israeli lawyer, "Mark continues," which holds American citizenship as well as Israeli, is Israel manages investments in Iraq and Kurdistan.
He is based in the settlement of "Alon Cabot" based on occupied Palestinian territory on the way between "Bethlehem, Hebron," an opposition party Likud, and is very close to Israeli Finance Minister and former "Benjamin Netanyahu." He has one big trade offices in Washington and in Jerusalem. A famous journalist writes articles that vilify the Arab and Palestinian leaders in several American newspapers famous and strongly defend Israeli settlements in Palestine.
Rauf Tijani
Network Basra
Wednesday, 6 Rajab 1429 / July 9, 2008
Network Basra
Wednesday, 6 Rajab 1429 / July 9, 2008