Sep 28, 2008

Arabs and Muslims dislike Obama , too !

Why most of Arans and Muslims want to vote for Obama ? Do Arabs ( in America ) and Muslims really want to vote for Obama because they just love him ? Or mabey because he will nice to Arabs ?  Ok , lets see thees facts :

1-war in Iraq :
- Obama want to get out from Iraq , But Oil's companies will still there 
- McCain want to Withdrawal From Iraq after 100 years 

2-middle east-conflict
- Obama want non-divided jerusulam to be Israel's capital , and he will support the "Peace talks" according to " the best for Israel " not to the best for peace or settle in the region
- McCain want to supporte peace talks , but he never show his plans about palastine . Arabs are afraid of what are waiting for Palestine and Gaza .

3- Muslims in America
- Obama had a problem with two girls whos wearing hijab , said several times " my islamic , even he said several times " My Islamic faith" , but we belive that he did so to encourge Arabs and Muslims to vote for him .
- McCain have a muslim Spiritual Guide ? 

Then you will ask :   why most of Arabs and Muslims want to vote for Obama ?

1- Arabs and Muslims had a bad history with repuplican .

2- Arabs and Muslims guess that an African-American president may understand thier conditions better , he have a long period from his life in Islamic country so he will understand that not all muslims are Islamist (radicual) !

3- Arabs and Muslims want America to take care for itself and leave Arabs and Muslims countries alone , and Obama promise to find a political solution for Iran's Nuclear-plane

4- "America deserve what happend to her , American vote for Bush again which means that they chose to fight muslims" Osamma bin Laden say after bush won in 2004 . So we don't want Osamma have a chance for his mass-destruction ideas again

Any Addition Information to share ? Add as a comment !

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