Sep 28, 2008

Arabs and Muslims dislike Obama , too !

Why most of Arans and Muslims want to vote for Obama ? Do Arabs ( in America ) and Muslims really want to vote for Obama because they just love him ? Or mabey because he will nice to Arabs ?  Ok , lets see thees facts :

1-war in Iraq :
- Obama want to get out from Iraq , But Oil's companies will still there 
- McCain want to Withdrawal From Iraq after 100 years 

2-middle east-conflict
- Obama want non-divided jerusulam to be Israel's capital , and he will support the "Peace talks" according to " the best for Israel " not to the best for peace or settle in the region
- McCain want to supporte peace talks , but he never show his plans about palastine . Arabs are afraid of what are waiting for Palestine and Gaza .

3- Muslims in America
- Obama had a problem with two girls whos wearing hijab , said several times " my islamic , even he said several times " My Islamic faith" , but we belive that he did so to encourge Arabs and Muslims to vote for him .
- McCain have a muslim Spiritual Guide ? 

Then you will ask :   why most of Arabs and Muslims want to vote for Obama ?

1- Arabs and Muslims had a bad history with repuplican .

2- Arabs and Muslims guess that an African-American president may understand thier conditions better , he have a long period from his life in Islamic country so he will understand that not all muslims are Islamist (radicual) !

3- Arabs and Muslims want America to take care for itself and leave Arabs and Muslims countries alone , and Obama promise to find a political solution for Iran's Nuclear-plane

4- "America deserve what happend to her , American vote for Bush again which means that they chose to fight muslims" Osamma bin Laden say after bush won in 2004 . So we don't want Osamma have a chance for his mass-destruction ideas again

Any Addition Information to share ? Add as a comment !

Sep 21, 2008

Apartheid Walls In Palastine

Some of These Apartheid Walls are painted by Banksy , a British artist . And the other by Palastinen people

If These Walls could speak , Imagine what will they said

Hope , future , peace and faith

Sep 19, 2008

lovers of bush ( What did bush do just for Americans )

Thees are what G.W.B achieve in his presidential period :

2,931,000 Number of jobs lost in the private sector since Bush took office

135,000 Average number of jobs created monthly under every President since Truman.

79,189 Average number of jobs created monthly under Bush.

2,447,000 Number of people who have become unemployed since Bush took office.

37 percent Increase in the unemployment rate since Bush took office.

4.1 percent Unemployment rate when Bush took office in January 2001.

5.6 percent Unemployment rate in March 2004.

8,170,000 Total number of unemployed Americans.

675,000 Number of Americans experiencing long-term unemployment (27 weeks or more) when Bush took office in January 2001.

1,871,000 Number of Americans suffering long-term unemployment in March 2004.

177 percent Increase in long-term unemployment under Bush.

11.8 percent Percentage of consumers who believe jobs are plentiful.

760,000 Number of workers who have lost their unemployment insurance since December 2002.

(Ballooning Deficits)

$5.6 trillion Baseline surplus for the 10-year period for FY 2002-2011, as projected by the Congressional Budget Office when Bush took office in January 2001.

$5.2 trillion Budget deficit over next 10 years if Bush's 2005 budget proposal is enacted.

$2.4 trillion Amount Bush's budget will raid from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds over the next 10 years.

$478 billion Budget deficit for 2004 as predicted by CBO, if Bush' s proposals are enacted.

$188 billion Amount Bush's budget deficit for 2004 exceeds the highest budget deficit in history, which was posted in 1992 by Bush's father.

2.2 trillion Ten-year cost of Bush's proposed tax cuts including additional costs for interest on the national debt.

32.4 percent Percent of tax cut for the top 1 percent of wage earners under the Bush "growth" plan.

8.5 percent of tax cuts for the bottom 60 percent of wage earners under the Bush "growth" plan.

64 million Number of taxpayers (48 percent) who receive $100 or less under the Bush "growth" plan.

$30,127 Average tax cut for the top 1 percent of taxpayers under the Bush "growth" plan.

$289 Average tax cut for the middle 20 percent of taxpayers under the Bush "growth" plan.

$4-5 billion Amount Bush tax proposal would cost states.

1 million Number of taxpayers the Alternative Minimum Tax affected in 1999.

36 million Number of taxpayers the Alternative Minimum Tax will affect in 2010 because of Bush's tax cuts and his failure to address the AMT.

10 percent Increase in bankruptcies since Bush took office.

1,625,213 Number of consumers who filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

24 percent Drop in consumer confidence since Bush took office.

50 percent Increase in out-of-pocket health care costs for workers since Bush took office.

14 percent Increase in the cost of job-based health insurance in 2003; highest rate in 13 years.

8.7 percent Increase in the cost of the 10 most-used prescription drugs in 2003.16 61 percent Percent of employers who cited rising drug costs as a major cause of premium increases in 2003.

11.5 percent Increase in gas prices since 2000.

49 Number of states that increased tuition at their public colleges and universities in 2003.

State budget cuts fueled by the Bush recession have forced colleges to hike tuitions and fees-threatening access to higher education for low-income students.

35 percent Increase in tuition and fees at four-year public institutions since Bush took office, adjusted for inflation.

Sources: 1Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3/04; 2House Appropriations Committee Minority Staff, 3/04; 3Conference Board, 3/04; 4Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/25/04; 5Congressional Budget Office, Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2002-2011, 1/01; 6Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2/1/04; CBO, An Analysis of Bush's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2005, 3/04; 7Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1/30/04, 1/21/04; 8CTJ Fact Sheet, 1/8/03; 9CTJ Fact Sheet, 2/3/03; 10CBPP Fact Sheet, 1/10/03; 11Brookings Institute, Tax Policy Center, The AMT: Out of Control, 9/18/02; New York Times, 1/10/03; 12U.S. Census Bureau, "Money Income in the United States: 2002"; 13American Bankruptcy Institute, 3/04; 14Conference Board, 3/04; 15Kaiser Family Foundation, Employer Health Benefits Survey 2000 and 2003; 16AdvancePCS, 8/25/03;, 2/23/04; 18Associated Press, 8/25/03; 19College Board, College Costs 2003

Sep 16, 2008

More than 20 die in Indonesian charity stampede

At least twenty-one people were trampled to death and scores more injured when a crowd stampeded in Indonesia after thousands of people queued for a charity handout to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the state news agency Antara reported on Monday. The crush happened in the East Java town of Pasuruan when a philanthropist, identified by Antara as H. Syaichon, distributed tithes and food to a crowd of poor people. The impoverished were waiting for a food donation, known as zakat, worth about 30,000 rupiah ($3.18) each when the stampede occurred.Some people collapsed due to a lack of oxygen in the crush, while others were trampled, the report said, adding the injured were being treated in a nearby hospital.

Sep 11, 2008

What zionism peolpe think of this

I read this article and wanna to share it with my readers :

"Most Israeli Jews have a negative perception of the Middle East with many asking themselves, "What the hell are we doing here?" according to a survey released on Tuesday.
Asked to give the first words that came to mind when thinking about the Middle East, 61 percent of respondents were negative, 20 percent neutral and 19 percent positive, Tel Aviv University's Centre for Peace Research said.
The negative responses mainly related to war, terrorism and Islam, the centre's poll found.
"These came along with expressions of a general, colourful nature such as: 'a nutcase region', 'a shitty place', 'a morass,' 'I can't take any more of it,' 'God help us,' and 'What the hell are we doing here?'" the centre said.
Among the positive responses, an aspiration to peace was common.
The survey also found that 71 percent of Jewish Israelis do not believe that Israel will succeed in the coming decades to integrate politically with the rest of the Middle East.
The centre's survey shows that 63 percent clearly prefer integration with the West.
Among Israeli Arabs on the other hand, 34 percent responded with positive words and images when questioned about the Middle East, 32 percent had negative responses and 34 percent were neutral.
In the telephone interview of 599 people, carried out at the start of September, a majority of Israeli Arabs also favoured integration with the West rather than the Middle East.
The sampling error for the poll is 4.5 percent, the university said. "

from :

Sep 9, 2008

Muslims , Sikhs & Hindus

The relationship between Islam and other religion in India had a lot of stressed period , but also there were multiple periods which considered golden age .
for example , Sikhs are the result of the reaction between Islam and Hindu and they admit it . until now there Islamic poems still in the golden temple in India for celebrations. and once there was a Muslim king who fight his brother just because he didn't treat Sikhs & Hindus very well .

Hindus always said that there were a lot of mosques which built above Hindus temples , but I want to ask u guys something: why Hindus didn't refuse them when they start building ? . Maybe because Muslims bought them from Hindus , maybe they were empty and Hindus left the villages and maybe they were a temporary solution for the increasing numbers of Muslims . I don't believe that Muslims built there mosques by force .

The history tell us that once upon time a Muslim conqueror attacked a town before he told them . He were must asked them to convert to Muslims ( if they want ) , to surround the city ( but he prince of the scity not changed) and give them Jizea or to fight them . so the people of the town complained for the Muslims Judge, and the judge commanded the conqueror to get out the city and so he did .